Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - 25th September 2022
Gospel Luke 16: 19–31 (abridged)
Jesus said to the Pharisees: ‘There was a rich man who used to dress in purple and fine linen and feast magnificently every day. And at his gate there lay a poor man called Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to fill himself with the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Dogs even came and licked his sores. Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried.
‘In his torment in Hades he looked up and saw Abraham a long way off with Lazarus in his bosom. So he cried out, “Father Abraham, pity me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames”. “My son,” Abraham replied, “remember that during your life good things came your way, just as bad things came the way of Lazarus. Now he is being comforted here while you are in agony.’ ... The rich man answered, “Father, I beg you then to send Lazarus to my father’s house, since I have five brothers, to give them warning so that they do not come to this place of torment too.” “They have Moses and the prophets,” said Abraham, “let them listen to them.” “Ah no, father Abraham,” said the rich man, “but if someone comes to them from the dead, they will repent.” Then Abraham said to him, “If they will not listen either to Moses or the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead.”’
Gospel Reflection from St Beuno's Outreach
As I settle for prayer, I trust that God is here, around me, within me, in every breath I take. I pause ... then focus my attention on my breathing, following each in and out breath, deepening my awareness of God’s life- giving presence.
When I am still enough for prayer, I read the Gospel passage slowly, a few times, until I become familiar with it.
I imagine hearing Jesus share this parable with me as if for the first time. What compassionate message does Jesus want me to hear?
What do I feel as I listen to his teaching?
Where do I see injustice in my own life, and how am I responding to it? Is God inviting me to do more?
I talk to Jesus as I would to a trusted friend, and ask him for the grace to always act with justice and compassion in all that I do.
I close my prayer by praying with Jesus, Our Father ...
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